Thursday, February 9, 2023

Emily Dickinson


Emily Dickinson


Matyus Welte

For school I was assigned to write about Emily Dickinson, which I find very difficult to do because I don’t like her work or much that I have read or heard about her character. I personally find it interesting that a lot of the well known poets were, in their own time at least, considered insane. Emily, much similarly, was considered different in her time, being a recluse that didn’t emerge from her room as an adult. Emily locked herself in her room and refused to see anyone. Her sister discovered her poems after Emily’s death and pursued having them published. Despite Emily’s peculiarities, she wrote words that in today’s society are considered “beautiful” or “fascinating”.

If you want to read about Emily Dickinson or read some of her poems to form your own opinion look for these books at your local library. 

“Becoming Emily: The Life of Emily Dickinson” by Krystyna Poray Goddu

“On Wings of Words: The extraordinary Life of Emily Dickinson” by Jennifer Berne

“Emily Dickinson” by S.L. Berry

“Poetry for Young People Emily Dickinson” by Frances Schoonmaker

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