Thursday, February 9, 2023

Home made "Solar Oven"

Solar Oven by Jadence Welte

A Solar Oven is something you cook in using the sun's power. I first saw a Solar Oven at the Homestead Expo last August held in Marshfield, MO. It was an interesting item and an interesting idea. So, a few days later, after we were home, my siblings and me decided to make our own. Malex, Matthan, Mirren and I gathered material. We collected a cardboard box, plastic wrap, and foil covered cardboard that was reflective. We also gathered marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. We assembled the "oven" with the foil facing up to reflect the sun and the plastic wrap over it to keep in the heat. It worked! We were able to melt the marshmallow and chocolate enough to get S'mores to enjoy.
The end...until the next adventure!😉

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