Wednesday, February 1, 2023


We traded jalapeno peppers to a friend for several pounds of her rare heritage tomatoes. There were all kinds of varieties. Brandy Wine, black truffles, green zebra and I don't even know what else! Our family is very fond of tomato soup and I thought it would be nice to can some homemade soup for the long winter months when the taste of summer would be a distant memory. 
I happened up on this "Fresh Tomato Roasted Garden soup" and decided to try it. It was so good, 
I dream of it! 
First step is to wash about 10lbs of tomatoes, cut out stem and slice in half. Put them in a large Dutch oven or stainless steel bowl. Quarter two large onions and add to the bowl. Chop two to three garlic cloves and add them to the bowl. Add 2 tablespoons salt, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, one cup of torn fresh basil and parsley. Swirl in two to three tablespoons of olive oil before placing in 400 degree preheated oven and roasting for 45 minutes. After removing from the oven, I ran the roasted veggies through my food processor to break into little chunks. In a large stock pot I put two store bought cans of tomato paste and two large (28 oz) cans of pureed tomatoes. I added my chunks to the pan and cooked on low for 15 to 20 minutes. If eating fresh, add 2 cups of milk and 1 cup of cream, as well as, 2 teaspoons of stevia (or sugar). Stir well and serve. 
If canning do not add milk and sweetener until you heat it up later. Wash quart jars well in hot water and soap. Fill jars with hot soup until 1/2 inches head space. Place flat on on jar that has been boiled in hot water for 5 minutes and tighten ring to finger tight. Place filled jars in a water canner and process with 1 inch of water over the top of jars for 10 minutes. Remove and let cool, check lids for seal before placing in pantry.


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